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Blencowe's Orom-Cross Graphite Excels in SAFELOOP Product Testing

 SmallCapPix  - 30 Jan 2025 

Following Blencowe's announcement that is has joined the Elite European Commission Consortium to Exclusively Supply Graphite Concentrate for European EV Buses, the company has announced outstanding results in product testing and creating Ultra-Pure Graphite


Trade Idea: Reach Holdings PLC

 Sponge  - 28 Jan 2025 

Reach plc, the owner of publications such as the Daily Mirror and the Express, has demonstrated notable financial performance recently and the company anticipates surpassing the forecasted £97.4 million in adjusted operating profit for full Year 2024


Latest Media

Orcadian Energy updates the market on recent farm-out news and plans for 2025

 SmallCapPix  - 17 Dec 2024 

Steve Brown, CEO of Orcadian Energy talks to SmallCapPix about recent deals such as the acquisition of Halo Offshore UK Ltd, implications of Serica Energy's acquisition of ParkMead and Orcadian's 50% interest in the Fynn Project and company strategy for becoming a dividend paying company near-term

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Recent Interviews & Investor Videos

Orcadian Energy updates the market on recent farm-out news and plans for 2025

Steve Brown, CEO of Orcadian Energy talks to SmallCapPix about recent deals such as the acquisition of Halo Offshore UK Ltd, implications of Serica Energy's acquisition of ParkMead and Orcadian's 50% interest in the Fynn Project and company strategy ...

Sector: Oil & Gas

Live Spaces & Q&A with Mike Ralston, CEO, Blencowe Resources

Mike Ralston talks to SmallCapPix providing an update on DFS progress including the new drilling programme. We also discuss short and longer-term funding plans as well as three key initiatives including an in-country SPG Facility, MSP Accreditation...

Sector: Mining

SmallCapPix talks to Mike Ralston, CEO of Blencowe Resources on their fundraise to complete the DFS

Mike Ralston explains the rationale behind todays £1.5M fundraise and why it was important in advancing the DFS to completion. The fundraise compliments grant funding from the DFC and leaves Blencowe fully-funded for completion of the DFS. The comp...

Sector: Mining

ECR Minerals Sign Exclusivity Agreement for Potential Sale of non-core assets including A$75M Tax Losses

ECR Minerals have signed an exclusivity agreement for the potential sale of non-core assets in Victoria including A$75M of tax losses. SmallCapPix gets the lowdown on what this could mean for the company and shareholders from Managing Director, Mike ...

Sector: Mining

Rome Resources - Looking to define a globally significant tin resource.

The Management team that discovered Alphamin's Bisie Tin mine are looking to do it again drilling within 8KM of Alphamin's Mpafa mine with the aim to define a globally significant high-grade tin resource....

Sector: Mining

Helix Exploration - Exploring & developing projects in the highly prospective Montana Helium Fairway

In this investor video, I introduce Helium Exploration who are exploring and developing their helium projects in the highly prospective Montana Helium Fairway. With the companies highly skilled Management Team, they plan to appraise two wells in Q3/...

Sector: Oil & Gas


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